Testing and Accountability
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is a system of assessments that measure student progress in different subjects. CAASPP is designed to help teachers monitor the needs and successes of individual students as they progress toward mastery of the state-adopted standards. The CAASPP Student Score Report shows your child’s results on the CAASPP tests administered at the end of the school year. Like class assignments and report cards, assessments are one gauge of student progress, providing information to schools, teachers, and parents about how students performed against California’s goals for learning.
No one knows your child or their needs more than you. With Starting Smarter, you now have access to information about your child’s education that goes beyond just grades.
Want to know what Questions are on the CAASPP or Understand the Score Reports?
Additional Resources
A Parent Guide to Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment System (video)
California Science Test (CAST) and the Next Generation Science Standards (video)
Preview Surveys
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)